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Here are the topics in the eCritters General forum.

Subject Author Replies
race rose 6
I'M BACK!!!! MegaPony 5
HELP MEGAPONY IS BEING HACKED !!!!!!!!! angelofheven 12
feels like a loser twix 6
POLL: How many item pages do you have? Queen Amy 38
first to post gets a..... MegaPony 4
lol I am annoying leif imrdy 4
phoenixmla twix 11
is anyone online? o.o gel 6
im closing my fansite dominator 16
it sure got quiet twix 11
no ones online gel 6
The next user voted off eC2 Survivor is... blcdude 4
If your pet has been bad lately... Animaluva 4
WOW! MatSim68 5
treasure maps implode? Animaluva 3
who bought out the twix 4
Would any one like a.... Animaluva 3
i was just logged out twix 14
Help! Animaluva 4
MATSIM68 MegaPony 7
who is here???? MegaPony 6
Hi HillbillyBears 40
AHhHhHHhHhhHHHHhhHhH dominator 7
does someone have a cheap Healing Circle?? MegaPony 23
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