Registered: | Mar 7, 2003 3:19 PM |
ID: | 100 |
Title: | Plot Writer |
Name: | Brad L. Cole |
Gender: | Male |
Eem: | 2,173,031,886 |
Pet choice: | Tolerate |
eeMail: | Send eeMail |
Forum posts: | Forum posts |
Achievements: | Member |
Pets: | Muerte, Vivir, Flingo, Capicola, TedTom, Fermat, DaDoC, Gato_en_fuego |
Shops: | Brad's Shop, Items that I suggested, DaDoC, The Towel Gallery |
Last seen: | 642 weeks, 5 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes ago |
Accomplishments: Got a Stone Of Luck from Random Eem Multimillionare Won a Helper Angel Award (from Pluto) Successfully hosted eC2 Survivor Moderator (3 times!) Am a snide (or at least I am according to Dan the pc man) Founder of the R.R. Staff Ebil made a Shrine in my honor. Given away over 61,000,000 in eem/prizes/gifts. Got post ID number 50,000 by accident. Pissed off General Wesc in the process. Note- this is not Post 50,000. Lizzahy thinks I'm groovy! Member of the Plot Board Plot Writer Actual things users have said about me: Dark Resplendent says: Quote: blcdude is awesome. Even when I was a wee little newb five years ago he was taking shit from everyone, and yet... He never stopped being an asshole. I think that's pretty damn cool. Seeing as, most people on here who take shit, either disappear, or try to conform to the idiocy of their peers. But not blcdude, he's an ass, and seemingly proud of it too. He should get some sort of award. Dominator says: Quote: o will u shut up! MatSim68 says: Quote: HiPoCrIt! dragonsong says: Quote: Why did you kill my pet you jerk! Your paying for the healing items! adam says: Quote: *****, not goin to say it adam also says: Quote: did to, i said lol lol lol lol adam also aslo says: Quote: ***hits blcdude in face with a orb of doom(not kiddin)*** adam also also aslo says: Quote: well let me think you pelted my pets till they were dead and your mean> shadowultima says: Quote: umm... You annoy me shadowultima also says: Quote: just because of your damn points shop doesnt give you a right to be an asshole to everyone > spirits455 says: Quote: blc try not 2 b such a jackass styful says: Quote: Im a newbie, really a newbie. why did you do that? i have no kind of money for that sort of healing u inconsiderate son of a bitch. If you randomly felt as though you had to do this, what was i supposed to do other than retalliate? You may not be much of a man but I'm a lady. you hit me i hit you. respond with cheap healing methods NOW. i am dead. you cant do any more. But in case you haven't noticed, my shop is still stocked full of 2 dozen rocks. I hope there will be no further need of their use. respond now. If you haven't read this, or do not respond in any way, you get the drift. may this not be u. Bruised says: Quote: /me calls bltdude names Bruised also says: Quote: BLCdude should be shunned, tarred, feathered, and hung like a pinata. Teresa says: Quote: EVIL BOY!! ebil... ace340 says: Quote: You are strange. eemeemandlesseem says: Quote: you immature goat! Inugami Mistress says: Quote: Well then, you must be a lucky fool. ^_^ The_Great_Trainer says: Quote: Yep your still mean like always. Dewayne says: Quote: poo head! Kyatsura says: Quote: His head may be composed of feces, but I have to agree with him. phoenixmla says: Quote: blcdude giving advice whats the world coming to lol jk speedskater says: Quote: fine be that're just a mean cranky mod! Verylooney says: Quote: HOW DARE YOU!! > Verylooney also says: Quote: Listen Monkey boy! I am just posting this cause Alot of muslims and other peeps died! YOU! Shouldn't have a darn thing to say about it!! Ok? Don't be such a donky as peeps say! White_She_Devil says: Quote: I know you idiot I was kidding Moosh says: Quote: ok then deary whatever you say you are always right maybe every one shld begin ignoring other pples oppinion just like you! Im_a_little_Angel says: Quote: i have had it with u mouthin me of blcdude just stop it okay? Foxy_Cleopatra says: Quote: you sneaky devil... Lord Quait says: Quote: mmm. nothing for you mr. EVIL imrdy says: Quote: Blcdude.... you have gone insane! I can not believe you! Now you are acting like as Ass.. Oh wait I forgot you are an Ass Teresa says: Quote: blc is a doo. Rachel says: Quote: U little freak!!!!!EEMAIL Zara says: Quote: blcdude may be hard to get along with at times but no way you can convince me he had anything to do with the cracking. He may be a shit now and then but he's an honest one sunset_03 says: Quote: its stupid, and you hurt my pet!!!!!!! You freakin retarded idiot, i demand you give me healing medallions at once! InuyashaLuvr90 says: Quote: Y the hell did u pelt my pet? he didnt do n e thing 2 u u asshole! if u dont mind id like 2 be appreciated instead of being pelted with an orb of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mcbengal says: Quote: YOU sUCK YOU KNOW THAT AND HAH HAH I HAVE A mcbengal also says: Quote:
mcbengal also says: Quote: its not CAPS LOCK and you smell like my sisters butt and you are a mean un-christian BUTTUGLY PERSON OH YEAH YOU ARE A WEIRDO MacDougs says: Quote: Jackass X.x eurleif says: Quote: There... lilangel092 says: Quote: you suck moderator Illusyon says: Quote: I'll take your word for it; I'm not gonna go staring at your ass. But I'm sure it's ugly, and as full of shit as your head is. Super Cat says: Quote: U HORRIBLE PERSON. U SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO DO DADOC. Player6183 says: Quote: Me hate u!!!!! Y u have make me life harder wit more trivia questions??? Y u such an insane *******! U such a *****! Me want kill!!! Me go get death rock and KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Random Ramblings Board: I am the founder of the R.R. Staff. It has no actual power. The official list of R.R. Holidays: January 20th- Alien Girl's Birthday April 3rd- R.R. Anniversary May 20th- General Wesc's Birthday June 21st- blcdude's birthday July 12th- CJ's birthday November 7th- thatguy's birthday. November 16th- eurleif's birthday The R.R. Board Rules: * "lol" is forever stricken from RR volcabulary. * When a topic reaches 50 posts each person participating must start a different topic on another (possibly spin-off) issue. * No more weddings. * Timechecks are forbidden. * Never quote unnecessarily. * "alot" is not and never has been an English word. Do not use it. * No more than one third of a user's posts may consist primarily of actions. * No one word posts. * Do not post something like *bump* just to push the post to the top of the page. * Your posts must not be all capitals. * All hail the Queen Alien Girl/Amy * Do not meddle in the affairs of General Wesc for he is quick to anger without tact and of a different opition. * Before a thread hits 50 posts, please attempt to stay on topic. * Don't post threads saying you are leaving eCritters. * No chatspeak. There is no DaDoC The DaDoC Empire: DaDoC Shop Brad's Shop The Groups Forum The RPG Forum Forum #12 The Debate Forum The Advertising Forum eC2 Survivor Results: First Place: Stone of Luck and a MacDougs' Hat (won by - liz -) Second Prize: MacDougs' Hat and a CJ Royal Pillow (won by Alien Girl) Third Prize: Meggshroom and a Rebellous Teenage Blob (won by BJgray) Fourth Prize: Decorative Shield and a Bottled Evil (won by MatSim68) Fifth Prize: 100K (won by Igadi) Pet Profile Contest: The pet having the distinction of having the worst profile on eC2 is Alex, owned by weirdal. As a prize, weirdal recieved 300 points for the points shop. eC2 Survivor 2! Prizes: First Place: Toy Spaceship, Poopy Ribbon, eCG 10000! (won by General Wesc) Second Place: Cursed Spider, eCG 10000! (Won by speedskater) Third Place: Mirror of Nightmares, eCG 10000! (won by Errett) 4th: Mirror of Dreams, eCG 10000 (won by Zara) 5th: Eagle Plushie, eCG 10,000 (won by eurleif) 6th: Leif Pelting Rock, eCG 10000 (won by Teresa) 7th: Poo, eCG 10000 (won by verylooney) 8th: Mrs Blob, eCG 10000 (won by rebel) 9th: Decorative Shield, eCG 10000 (won by Guardian) 10th: Counterfeit CJ Rock, eCG 10000 (won by Beaver) 11th: Pitchfork, eCG 10000 (won by gel 5) 12th: Silver Goblet, eCG 10000 (won by OwlManAtt) 13th: Friendship Jewel, eCG 10000 (won by PhreakShow) 14th: Blustra Bisquit, eCG 10000 (won by Wacky Monkey) 15th: MacDougs' Hat, eCG 10000 (won by crazykathy) 16th: CJ Bed, eCG 10000 (won by nitewhisper) Special Prizes Winner of Most Immunities: Iorax Necklace! (Tie between General Wesc and Teresa, each had 3) Person who gets the most votes throughout the game: Truce Flag (General Wesc, with 121 votes) eCritters Idol Winner- Art Division- Moosh Winner- Poetry Division- Twisted Tears Overall Winner- Moosh, by a score of 12 to 10. Moosh won a CJ Royal Pillow and a Strawhert Wand while Twisted Tears won a Anti-CJ Royal Pillow. eC2 Survivor Three: Competitors: Moosh, Max, Draega, Covert Sushi, Jared, Anima, Devil, Canton, Citi, The Cheat, Aurora Blackheart, Nekkyou-san, Tehsage, Aminec, Looby, and Nerdzrool. Prizes 1st: Death Rock and Antsca's Katana (Won by Draega) 2nd: Orb of Doom and Antsca's Katana (Won by Nerdzrool) 3rd: Strawhert Wand (Won by Devil) 4th: Antsca's Katana (Won by Aminec) 5th: Anti-CJ Royal Pillow (won by Aurora Blackheart) 6th: Bottled Bruised (won by tehsage) 7th: Pitchfork (Won by Canton) 8th: Orb of Destiny (Won by Looby) 9th: Stone of Luck (Won by Max) 10th: Book of Wesc (Won by Jared) 11th: Book of Leif (Won by both Jared and Moosh) 12th: Book of CJ (Nekkyou-san) 13th: Cursed Spider (Anima) 14th: eCG 10,000 (Won by The Cheat) 15th: False Idol (Won by Covert Sushi) 16th: Bottled Hug (Won by Citi) Also, seeing as I am a good sport, everyone who participates gets an Edible Flower. The best user on eCritters is General Wesc. Alien Girl/Queen Amy is an excellent user as well. Visit Jargon Games! My Deadjournal |