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Here are the topics in the Art Forum forum.

Subject Author Replies
Ok i was bored, it's the pieces to the 'Car Bluepr Dante None!
they should make an 8 ball xD rouge None!
Bouncing Poo! beanso 6
Lookie at what i drew this time!!! Animaluva 15
Lookie! Ace 340 7
Erm.. it's a... toe... i drew... Dante 5
what art program do u use? dominator 7
I need a artist!! The_Great_Trainer None!
I drew a kitty... Animaluva None!
The Blu Berry that's really Blue.. as in sad... Dante 7
Broken YoYo Item Art Image Thing Animated Dante 4
Red Burst -Rain- 8
i just made candles dominator 1
Necklace/pendant thing -Rain- 4
Some items i have just drwn dominator 6
Artist Needed ASAP BJgray 2
Arrr it's an item image red flame o_O Dante 4
How can you tell if your Item/Pet is 80/230 Pixels Wacky Monkey 2
**WANT AN ART JOB** greenmatt 22
hi i´m kinda new here where do you tell staff... javalamp 11
Can you draw a smily face? blcdude None!
For matsim lily4eva 3
For dominator... lily4eva 2
all good artists i need you horsey_girl 2
CJ Diary Paper -Rain- 5
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