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I don't believe in ghosts or zombies. I mean, my reanimated corpse of owlmanatt hardly qualifies! The UN already ruled my weekend-at-Bernie's puppet of CJ wasn't a ghost or zombie, and I'm sure animatronics don't change anything.

Here are the topics in the SUPER SHIT forum.

Subject Author Replies
wwwwwoooooooooaaaaaaahhhhh, new forum!!!! Nightshade 1
Talking to morons is fun! X2 (last page) Player 6183 90
W/e Poison 13
What happned? rebeCanA-Tor 20
ignor this trying Road Runners laoding. (last page) Tyrant of Evil 208
w/e? Tsukasa 9
Damnit (last page) Tyrant of Evil 59
what is this stand for Winx 6
boom Lil_Tess 4
0.o aurora!Blackheart 19
Talking to morons is fun! (last page) Player 6183 226
do u like the show winx Winx 7
my grammer Tyrant of Evil 39
R.I.P. Kurt Cobain 19678-1994 Asfaloth 28
smelly stuff sunday_bloody_sunday 22
Radio Crap. >< Poison 9
It's really hot. Poison 24
food albinofox 9
;-; Poison 6
Whatever. Player 6183 21
crazy sunday_bloody_sunday 9
Creepy Creeperson sunday_bloody_sunday 12
i've got sunday_bloody_sunday 16
Final Fantasy -FFF-Storage 5
another art that reminds me of eC [+1] Hug None!
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