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No, you know what, I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna be nice. Gengar is a dumb bitch and CJ is a fat old hag. That was the nicest thing I've ever said... I'm so sweet. <3

Here are the topics in the SUPER SHIT forum.

Subject Author Replies
You should learn to code. (last page) LeifKB 50
New User FAQ CJ 12
Regarding the chat bulletin... LeifKB 15
Document of this forum's names. Alpha 43
All of Chickenbots phrases. [+1] Alpha 4
which is better (10) LeifKB 9
Job Application Personality Tests CJ 1
social media is hard owlmanatt 2
"enslave" finally has an impact on gameplay owlmanatt 7
House of Leaves CJ 8
My thoughts about adults buying toys now. Alpha 6
Job description or descent into madness? CJ 4
Bourne Movies SassyGirl05 7
god vs devil fosterfunk 6
which is better (7) LeifKB None!
which is better (3) LeifKB 7
I was a teenage execolonist CJ 3
Dreams CJ 4
Cats can be so annoying... Alpha 13
Instant dream material. Alpha 1
I got a semi driver in trouble. :D Alpha 1
What are you playing? CJ 40
'Close knit communities.' Alpha 2
free roam vidya game poll liopleurodon83 5
which is better (5) LeifKB None!
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