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Here are the topics in the eCritters General forum.

Subject Author Replies
Nice new ec banner bruised! ._. 6
my pets r spiecal! LateShowFan 4
I Am The Bunny Napper LoLL C gYrL 33
x.x :p LateShowFan 12
where is everyone? liZ 17
im out of crackers! liZ 10
I have a problem....and i need help dominator 12
Sorry MatSim68 10
LiSa SiMpSoN......75 8
we r SO close to 1000! LateShowFan 10
this is so dumb twix 9
*sob* yes its true LateShowFan 8
Yay! Yay! I got a SNARTH ROLLS!!! Poke Fan 18
Im bored of being richest dominator 18
la la la la la C gYrL 6
*meep* LateShowFan 7
which is better? liZ 9
*shuffles into General Forum* LiSa SiMpSoN......75 6
bow down to me u patic fools LateShowFan 20
ok who bought all the hugs again twix 9
what am I? C gYrL 29
again? C gYrL 10
What Am I? C gYrL 10
h_h_ C gYrL 9
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