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Here are the topics in the eCritters General forum.

Subject Author Replies
first to post wins some... *drumroll* rouge 7
FREE ITEM GIVE AWAY! (last page) Megapony_team 50
Yay! i got a moon rock and sun rock gel 11
Oooo LateShowFan 9
Awwww! v-E-ry-l-o-o-N-e-Y 7
hahee! liZ 6
i dont see my rocks in the restocks Spirits455 10
-Want Banner(s)?- bobobo 18
*looks stary eyed into the sky* LateShowFan 4
Ok, I understand people are sad, but Cinamon 45
I'm back! Teresa 5
Hey rain,megapony,and everyone!! Megapony_team 2
HHHHHEEEYYYY!!!! LateShowFan 2
v-E-ry-l-o-o-N-e-Y 5
Nothing to do! v-E-ry-l-o-o-N-e-Y 1
Wee! Thanks! Poke Fan 16
Snarth Clock.... CJ 9
Who wants to buy poo? v-E-ry-l-o-o-N-e-Y 5
ultimate wishie! Lightfiregrl 6
First 3 Rebel 14
I GOT ONE!! v-E-ry-l-o-o-N-e-Y 6
Woah, there sure is alot of begging today Pluto 13
*pokes random people* Animaluva 13
See you later PandaPandaBear 5
PLEASE Ace 340 6
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