Registered: Jan 2, 2011 7:12 PM

ID: 91537
Title: User
Name: . H0rt0n .
Gender: Female
Eem: 2,237
Pet choice: Ignore
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Last seen: 706 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 41 minutes ago

Heyy you shall call me Passion. I'm so random and crazy! I'm a great friend and I care about others more than I do for myself. I love making new friends and chatting, so don't be afraid to send me an eeMail.

A few things I love to do include photography, writing, reading, definitely music, dancing, and most of all my friends. I love sharing my stories and pictures to get critique, opinions, suggestions, and ideas for what I should do next. I mostly read about fantasy/supernatural things. Music, I love pretty much every genre of music and I've even written one and half songs. I'm working on a few piano peices. My favorite genre of music would have to be either Rock, Pop, or Classical Piano. Weird I know. xP I'm into Hip Hop, Freestyle, and Shuffle dancing.

A few things that I dislike, hate, and/or scared of are people with strollers/carts, hallways at school, definitely spiders, and being scared. Haha.

I am into acting and acting. Most of my friends don't know this about me. Even though they don't know this I am considered to be a very open person.

I'm a kid at heart. I love coloring with crayons- or as I pronounce it: crowns. I also love dinosaurs! Oh, I want a unicynosaur: It's a mix of a dinosuar and a unicorn. Yep, cause I'm cool like that. xD

I love colorful things! But my favorite colors are blue and purple and black. I am definitely athletic. I am in our school's marching band, playing the marimba. Next year I'm going to be pit captain. I used to play soccer and I miss it so much. I love football and playing catch. I am definitely more tomboy than I am a girly-girl.

So there's this guy, his name is Adam. I met him at a Rave event and he was teaching me how to dance. We exchanged numbers and he told me he really liked me and I told him I liked him. He might ask me out soon, and I can't wait until the next Rave event I go to because I know he'll be there. I've been practicing what he taught me and I can't wait to show him. Okay, I'm done talking about this because I know y'all really don't care.

Well I'm done talking about myself, I might add more later.