Registered: Dec 26, 2009 8:22 PM

ID: 89890
Title: User
Name: Penelope Clearwater
Gender: Female
Eem: 0
Pet choice: Ignore
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Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Last seen: 781 weeks, 11 hours, 40 minutes ago

I'm a no one. Just that girl, I always seem to be there, no one knows me, I don't know anyone. As I walk down the halls, People turn to look at who I am, but I'm no one. They pass me off, with a nod, and let it slip from their minds. I don't have grades, nor do I have homework, or tests. I don't eat, for a fear of someone might reconize me. I walk different, for a fear of someone might copy me. My hair is no color, and every color there is known. From dark red, to light purple. I don't speak, my voice is lost with the wind. No one has heard my voice. It is not high nor low. I'm am not tall nor short. I am not skinny nor fat. Theres always one person, one person that tries to find the real me, but as they search for the real me, their mind seems to wonder to different things. I can not say how old I am, for I have been here since the begining of time, and I will be here untill the end of time. My eyes and like death. Sometimes they are peaceful and sweet, and other times, they are sharp as razors and not easy to look at.
But I am found now. With the help of someone special.

Now, let me begin the story of me.
I am found now.
I have blonde hair, the color of sand.
I have blue eyes, the color of the sky.
I have pale skin, the color of sand also.
I am short for my age.
My age, is unknown still.
My voice still rises and falls with the wind, for I can not talk by myself.