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Vestri Nex
Registered: Apr 16, 2008 4:24 PM

ID: 79321
Title: User
Name: Vestri Nex
Gender: Male
Eem: 284,350
Pet choice: Ignore
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: niger equus, Vestri Lupine, Crimson Equus, Murrla Among The Dead
Shops:Red Horse Tavern, The Black Horse Inn, Vestri Nex' Collection
Last seen: 778 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes ago

My name is Austin. Austin Garcia, pronounce it right, it's Garcha, not Garseeya, I'm an Italian you see. I probably will invite your enmity. I will turn eighteen Apr.9, 2009. Not that, that means very much to you. Read more about me on my Bio Nex account.

I am the brains behind:

Day Sky Slurg

Commas in the username, which led to various other symbols available in the usernames.

Bitched about signatures until they were compromised.

And the genius behind the beloved eCPirate.