Registered: Jul 10, 2007 8:47 AM

ID: 73090
Title: User
Name: Carla Dean
Gender: Female
Eem: 80
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Celebration_ Time_C'mon!
Shops:Birthday Cake
Last seen: 837 weeks, 9 hours, 51 minutes ago

September 15th, 2009: .lynx turns 17!
Sept. 19th, 2008: Ichii turns sixteen!
Sept. 24th, 2008: Hpgrl4657 turns thirteen!
Oct. 13th 2007: Wulfy (Comatose...Wulf!) turns 14!
Oct. 20th: 1rox turns 16!
Oct. 31st: Madison1234 turned 16!
Nov. 9th: CDean turns sixteen!
November 20th: SccrSwty4Eva's birthday!
December 8th: Kaori's 14th b-day!
January 21st: Paanda! turns 14!
January 28th: !kissmyrain turns eighteen!
Feb. 9th, 2008: Aurora Blackheart turns 16!
Feb 17 1994: SoccerBabe500's b-day!
Feb. 22nd: rbb704 turns 13!
Feb. 24th 2008: Wa-A turns 12!
March 5th, 2008: Adexia turns 17!
March 29th: X anti x turns nineteen!
March 30th: Daddylilgurl-1's birthday!
April 1st 2008: Fallen turns 16, ReVeileD turns 16!
April 13th: waiting_4_love's B-day!
April 17th: Inedible. turns 15!
April 19th: DoodlyFace x3 turns 15!
May 20th: Wesc's Birthday!
May 21st- TA Storage turns UNKNOWN!!!! (Well, I know how old he is, but I'm not telling you!)
May 24th: LOLGURL's birthday!
June 8th: Smerika turns 17!
June 14th: sMosh turns 17!
June 18th: rockon157 turns 14!
July 4th: BadBadBadBunny's b-day!
July 10th, 2008: X!anti turns fifteen!
July 27th, 2008: Penguine turns 18!
July 28th, 2008: iamSOhot turns 18!
August 9th, 2008: MCFLY turns 17!
August 21st, 2008: Ontii turns 19!
August 22nd, 2008: danceresialb turns 19!
August 25th, 2008 : Fuck me please turns 21!

Eemail me your B-days and get on the list!

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