Registered: May 31, 2007 4:30 PM

ID: 71906
Title: User
Name: Zombie Lover
Gender: Female
Pet choice: Enslave
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Fudge Muffins, Shadows Memories, Depeche, Ticking Heart, Orthodox, Riiko, For Chance, Queen Zuko, Bumbel Bee, Saurotori
Shops:Kiki's Plushie Gallery, Pure Serenity, Random Fandom
Last seen: 731 weeks, 6 days, 19 hours, 22 minutes ago

Hells yea, I'm awesome. I'm ZOMBIE KIYA NOW D;

(I keep records cause..I am sentimental) D:

~:.+.:~ Pet Death List ~:.+.:~

Kimirya - August 28th 2007 (Diabetes)
Kittles - August 31st 2007 (Natural Causes)
Saetry - August 31st 2007 (Natural Causes)
Tobaru - August 31st 2007 (Natural Causes)

Minto - November 21st 2007 (Crushed by falling shelves)
Wriglee - November 21st 2007 (Continuous Dancing)
Rotora - November 23rd 2007 (Sick/Died in Sleep)
Nannok - November 23rd 2007 (Flying Accident)
Durca - November 23rd 2007 (Ate Chocolate)
Yorlin of the Purgatory - November 23rd 2007 (Ate Chocolate also)
Trelou - November 23rd 2007 (Flew away, got caught in an airplane engine.)

Sukian - September 4th 2008 (Shot by Dick Cheney) ..tragic

Sonat - October 28th 2008 (Kidnapped by Derranged Clowns)
Reiiko - October 31st 2008 (Diseased by Unknown Virus)
Frusei - October 31st 2008 (Diseased by Unknown Virus)
Kittles Jr. - October 31st 2008 (Diseased by Unknown Virus)
Maoko - November 3rd 2008 (Trapped in a Washing Machine)

Rini & Helios Section

I've been a fan of Rini and Helios when I first watched the episodes of them when I was little, now I'm obsessed and I love them to death <3

Random Anime Section

I love all anime, I've read and watched so many I've lost count. Ask me about an anime, I'm sure I'll know to tell you w/e.

I don't have 'one' favorite, I have a gazillion favs xD

My all time favorite anime movie though, is Spirited Away. It's the only movie I'll watch over and over again.


About Me *Updated*

Joined: May 11th 2007

Name: Kiya *******
Age: 19
Natural Hair Color: Blonde
Current Hair Color: Jet Black (Fuck yea <3)
Eye Color: GREEN
Domain: Massachusetts (YOU ES A! *chants*)
Siblings: 2 Brothers and 2 Sisters (younger)
Pets: One cat, white and orange (male) and one tiger colored (female) *edit* My baby coco died..I will miss her. RIP Baby Coco March 28th 2007 - May 16th 2009

Info: I like to wear black but im no emo,juggalo, etc. Just because I wear black and love the color doesnt mean I should be labeled. I dislike most teens because a large majority of them are: perverted, immature, irrational, lack common sense and down right annoy me. I'm sick of feeling as if the world is full of perverted bastards and not one decent person, it's pretty sad that I have to become friends with much older people to find an actual coversation.

I'm normally not seen in another threads cept advertising unless I'm bored. Society is starting to piss me off.

Hobbies: Drawing.. writing.. COMPUTER