Registered: | Mar 7, 2007 9:23 PM |
ID: | 69511 |
Title: | User |
Name: | Britt Haines and Dani wendt |
Gender: | Female |
Eem: | 0 |
Pet choice: | Befriend |
eeMail: | Send eeMail |
Forum posts: | Forum posts |
Achievements: | Member |
Pets: | Naruto is back for revenge and im his helper, sceeter, army reserve guard, I am a griffin i eat my young so they grow in my stomach, im a punk rocker and you better respect that! |
Last seen: | 891 weeks, 3 days, 12 hours, 43 minutes ago |
My friends shikamaru kikigirl101 treyBback4u chemicaltragedy [/ The pet of the girl>>>>>>>>>>>>^ You share but i take You care but i dont listen You love but i hate How do you still love a girl like me Loving always You are My Jason I opened my eyes to see you care about me you dont care about my dark apperence you still love me always i hope it never ends omg hey it is sweet hehi love you clown stew stew #2 stew#3 stew#4 stew#5 frigen stew#6 holy bajesus a number 7 of stew it is my meez Fuck ya^ It Bam YaY ^~^ hay free items i have like five pages so click here if u wnat 1 Thankyou tottaly dramatic Jesus loves me yes i know for the bible tells me so my favorite bible verse teh my bestest friend ever(knows in real life) mine no for you Thanikies Charmleons_Rock Name:Moose Gender:Female Age:three months ooooh pretty dragon 30% of America does not believe in the supernatural and 10% could care less if u are the other 60% who belive or is supernatural copy and paste this on your profile I dont care if you hate me I really am not doing anything wrong I came here to make friends not to meet people who will call me ignorant. omg Its Gir hey kingdom of haerts hes sexy Blocked Users from my profile myspaceizbetta _____*******______*******_____ ____*_______*____*_______*____ ___*_________*__*_________*___ ___*__________**__________*___ ____*_______*____*_______*____ _____*____*________*____*_____ ______*_*____________*_*______ ______**______________**______ ____*___*____________*___*____ __*______*__________*______*__ _****************************_ ___________*______*___________ ____________*____*____________ _____________*__*_____________ ______________**______________ ___ITs Him____________________ ....|..____________________, , ....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// .//___// |