IceBound Banking
Registered: Feb 14, 2007 9:47 PM

ID: 68911
Title: User
Name: ice bound banking
Gender: Male
Eem: 6,273
Pet choice: Ignore
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: IceBound Rock Guard, SparkleWorks, Account Guard For Mypeeps, Account Guard For Lets Riot, Bank Clerk, Account Guard For EMINEM30, Account Guard For Sammo, Account Guard For Critters300, Account Guard For SoPink, Account Guard For Lostkiller2, Shermanator, JMW1239, wolf's shadow
Shops:JMW1239, SparkleWorks, IceBound Rocks, Lets Riot, EMINEM30, Sammo, Critters300, SoPink, Shermanator, Wolfshadow
Last seen: 629 weeks, 2 days, 14 hours, 12 minutes ago

Due to no use of user accounts on ecritters, IceBound Banking will no longer honor accounts that have been inactive for 30 weeks. This means, approximately 2-3 times a year, you must log onto ecritters. You don't have to do anything with your bank account, but you must be active on ecritters. Thank you for your cooperation.


SparkleWorks - 500,000 eem
Sammo - 375,000 eem
Critters300 - 250,000 eem