Registered: | Sep 29, 2006 7:21 PM |
ID: | 64864 |
Title: | User |
Name: | hey boyz+gurls i'm right here |
Gender: | Female |
Eem: | 2,083 |
Pet choice: | Befriend |
eeMail: | Send eeMail |
Forum posts: | Forum posts |
Achievements: | Member |
Pets: | dirtyblondebabe, mirrormirroronthewall, winry rockbell, leifbk, emokidthe1rst, ruler of all, emo chick, hang-outer, multipleyouandmebaby, notwhouthinkiambutratheranalieninstead, loneylyyes, bleeding heart overloaded with sorrow that is about to burst into pain , whodothinkyourtalkingtomelikethat, sexy mama's gurl, partylikearocktsar |
Shops: | LuxeFantasyDreamGallery, HotTopic, Hollister, abercrombie |
Last seen: | 717 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes ago |
I'll b frends wit any-one! wat i look like: hair: now sande blonde ,body:thin eyes:bluish hazelish ,skin:tan................. .........,--~¯¯¯ ..-,...¯~~--,, ................ ...,-¯~, ....- ...... ............... ....\-,AWW CAN U POSSIABLY RESIST ME?emo kid rocks ....... ......,-***************** *** *******777777*******DON'T ******777777*******LOOK ******??????******** *******777777*******AT *777777777777777777*ME *777777777777777777*I *777777777777777777*WORSHIP *******7777777******GODS. *******7777777****** *******7777777****** *******7777777****** *******7777777****** *******7777777****** ******************** HUG ME_¯, ........................ ............, ........~, ........ ..,- ... ....................... ...........,-;,,,,_ ........-,, ....... ,-_, ........____ ............... ....,- ..$ ....-, ......,o.; ..... ,- .............,,,---,,, ............ ......|,,--~¯I ....., .... ,;,_ .........,- ....$ ..,,;, ..........-, .~,_ ....,- ...., . ,--; .............|,,--~ ....| ...........- ........¯¯ ......, ..;,o;, ............-,_ ......,,- .........._,,;- ......... ...,- .......~, ............. ...........- ,- ......,,~ ............~-, ................ ............... .....,,-~ .................... ~--,,,,_______,,,,-~¯¯\ ............ .........,- ......,, \....\ ._,,,,i;;;|-|_,\ ................. ..,/, ....,-;------- ...... ..../.,_;| .................,/, ,~, .............. .......| ¯ ................... -| .................. ....\, ........................ ../, ........../\------~¯; .................. ....., ¯~--~ .¯---,,,,-- ........................ ~-,,-~x "HEY YOU COME HERE" huh like it?i created it! i am the best soccer player on my team+i'm smart cause i get a' 2 hang out:amusement parks,arcade,movie theaters,parks and the mall.i shop at any store and will wear anything. wish list: Kadorr poster*thnx ezra leif shrine* anti-cj bed* cj royal pillow* anyone who gives me 1 of those items will get an item piad with alot of eem. I Collect: *orbs *cj-items *starwheat items *plushies "All I wonna do is have fun with you!!!!" I"M The ruler of all ........................... ------ Best Friend -- award ------ - ------ ....... ........ ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, .............................. I give that award out ot my best friends,i made it myself --------\Rock n republic\-------- . . . . . . . . -------- \ ? \------ ----------\ ............................. \ \---- \ \ THAT's RIGHT<YOU HEARD ME!!! HEH WHATS THAT?.........U JUST WONNA QUESTION ME.!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "HEH HEH DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!!!" "U NO U WANT ME,SO COME AND GET ME" ![]() "JUST COME HERE AND WATCH" Friends: emo chick,shikamaru,emo kid,giving kisses,crazysexycool2,darkriku92. favorite bands:pussycatdollz, allamericanrejects,blackeyedpeas and fall out boy. shows:most extreme,spongebob,onetreehill,mtv2,doctor90210,meerkatmanor,weirdtravles,anime. like to read:manga,shoenjump,teenpeople, beckketanimeandmanga,ghoststores+animal stories 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000 00000 000000000000000000000000################000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000#####________________#####0000000000000000000 000000000000000####__________________________####000000000000000 0000000000000##__________________________________##0000000000000 0000000000###______________________________________###0000000000 000000000#____________________________________________#000000000 0000000##__________######_______________######_________##0000000 000000#___________########_____________########__________#000000 00000#___________##########___________##########__________#00000 0000#____________##########___________##########___________#0000 000#_____________##########___________##########____________#000 00#______________##########___________##########_____________#00 00#_______________########_____________########______________#00 0#_________________######_______________######________________#0 0#____________________________________________________________#0 0#____________________________________________________________#0 0#____________________________________________________________#0 00#______##__________________________________________##______#00 00#_______##________________________________________##_______#00 000#________###__________________________________###________#000 0000#__________######______________________######__________#0000 00000#_______________######################_______________#00000 000000#__________________________________________________#000000 0000000##______________________________________________##0000000 000000000#____________________________________________#000000000 0000000000###______________________________________###0000000000 0000000000000##__________________________________##0000000000000 000000000000000####__________________________####000000000000000 0000000000000000000#####________________#####0000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000################000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' i'll listen to any music except country. You cried, you were so innocent and you got in trouble anyway you had a bad day but don't worry tommorw will be a good day a better day for sure. 66666666666666.6666666666666666HE's THE KING 66666666666666..666666666666666 66666666666666...666666666666666 66666666666666....66666666666666 6666666..66666......666666..6666666 6666666..666................666..666666 6666666....6....................6....66666 66666666..........6666..........6666666 666666..6......6....66666........666666 66666..6........66..666666......666666 66666..6........666666666......666666 6666....6........66..66666......6666666 6666......6........6....666..........66666 6666.......6........66..............6....6666 66666......6........66............666..6666 666666......6........666..........666..666 6666666........6........6..66........66666 66666666.......66......6..666....666666 666666666.........6......6....66....66666 6666666666..........6......6....66....666 66666666666..........6......6....66..666 666666666................6........6..66..6 666666......................6.....6...66666 6666........66666........66.....6....6666 666......66666666........6....6......6666 66......66..6666666......66..6......6666 66......6..66666666......66..6......6666 66......6....6666666......6..66........666 6........66....6666........66..6..........666 6..........66..................666............66 6....6......666............666........6 ....66 6..666........666....66666..........66..66 6..6666..........666..666......6....66..66 66..66666..........6666......66..666666 6666666666..........6......66..6666666 666666666666............666666666666 6666666666666............66666666666 666666666666......66......6666666666 66666666666..6666666....6666666666 6666666666666666666....6666666666 6666666666666666666...66666666666 6666666666666666666..666666666666 666666666666666666..6666666666666 --------------------o|.........|oROCK N REPUBLIC --------------------o|.........|o --------------------o|......../o --------------------- ..-----/ ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| --------------------- |||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------|||||| ----------------------*||||* ---------------------*||||||* --------------------*-0000-* -------------------*--0000--* ------------------*---||||||---* -----------------*----0000----* ----------------*-----0000-----* ---------------*------||||||------* --------------*-------(-----)------* -------------*-----------*----------* ------------*-----------*-*----------* -----------*----------*----*----------* ----------*---------*--------*---------* ---------*--------*------------*--------* --------*-------*----------------*-------* -------*------*--------------------*------* ------*-----*------------------------*-----* -----*---*------------------------------*---* ----*-*------------------------------------*-* yo<sup ya'll? __________________s$__________ ____s _________________.s$$_________ ____s$BRING IT ON ALLL OR NOTHING ________________s$$$?______s__ ___s$³ ______________.s$$$___ __.s$, ___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__ _.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__ __³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___ __³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, ` ____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__ ___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_ _______`$$.____³$$$$$$$_$$$$__ _s³ ________³$$s____³$$$$$$s$$$³__ s$³ _________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$`__ s$$ ______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$$ ______$$_s$$$$..s$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $³ ______s$.s$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ _____s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ ____s$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$s ___$$s§§§§§§§§§s$$$$s§§§§§§§§§$$ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§s$s§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ___§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ___³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ ____³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ _____³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ______³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ __________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ ____________³§§§§§§§§§§§³ _______________³§§§§§³ _________________³§³ ----------*--------- ---------***-------- --------*$$$*------- ------*-$-$-$*------ -----* $--$- $*----- ----*-$-$-$-$$-*---- -----*-$----$-*----- ------********------ I'm 4real wonna chatt?: sure Can i have a free item?: yes am i mean?: no idon't bite but i can be crabby do i cyber?: yup ,anytime wit anyone How old am i ?: you don't need to know Why don't you like your real name?: its not for you to know *PET WALL OF FAME*: maga i'm currently reading: oh my goddess shaman king marmalade boy mars anime i'm watching now: inuyasha cowboybeebop full moon naruto broken siants midnight detective one piece zatch bell real bout highschool basilik shaman king kodocha My Favorite HOTT GUYS IN ANIME: neji hyugga sasuke uchiha itachi uchiha kenshin ed elric eichi and many more hott guys inanime,will be added HUG ME ] ![]() Say the word COW before each word 1 - Cows 2 - About 3 - Talking 4 - Idiot 5 - This 6 - Got 7 - I 8 - Long 9 - How 10 - Look Now say the word COW After each word 1 - Cows 2 - About 3 - Talking 4 - Idiot 5 - This 6 - Got 7 - I 8 - Long 9 - How 10 - Look Now say the word COW before AND after each word. 1 - Cows 2 - About 3 - Talking 4 - Idiot 5 - This 6 - Got 7 - I 8 - Long 9 - How 10 - Look Now read just the words upwards from the bottom. 1 - Cows 2 - About 3 - Talking 4- Idiot 5 - This 6 - Got 7 - I 8 - Long 9 - How 10 - Look This is this cat This is is cat This is how cat This is to cat This is keep cat This is an old cat This is idiot cat This is busy cat This is for cat This is forty cat This is seconds cat Now, go back and read the THIRD word in each line, starting at the top Tsunade's name is taken from the character of the same name from Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語, "The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya").[1] The Tsunade in that story excelled in snail magic and was married to Jiraiya. The name "Tsunade" (綱手 ![]() [edit] Character attributes [edit] Background The young Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya with their sensei, SarutobiAs a child, Tsunade and her former teammates, Orochimaru and Jiraiya, were students of the Third Hokage. Because of the three's exemplary skills, they were given the title "Legendary Three Ninja" (伝説の三忍, Densetsu no Sannin?) by Hanzo. Because she is the granddaughter of the First Hokage, the word "Hime" (姫, "Princess") is often attached to her name. In the English anime, it is translated into "Lady Tsunade." Tsunade is known for her large breasts, despite the fact that Jiraiya referred to her as "flat-chested Tsunade" during their childhood. Tsunade's most noticeable possession is a necklace that belonged to her grandfather. It is said to be valuable enough to buy "three gold mines and the mountains on top of them." On her brother, Nawaki's, twelfth birthday, Tsunade gave the necklace to him, in the hopes that it would help him achieve his dream of becoming Hokage. The next day, Nawaki died as one of the many casualties of the war going on at the time, and the necklace was returned to Tsunade's possession. It was this event in her life that would inspire her petition to place a medical ninja on each team. While this idea was initially turned down due to limited funds during the war, it was eventually put into effect. Sometime after Nawaki's death, Tsunade fell in love with a man named Dan, who also wanted to become Hokage. As a sign of her affection and in the hopes that it would help him achieve his goal, Tsunade gave him the necklace as well. Dan, too, would go on to die a bloody death during the course of the war, despite Tsunade's attempts to treat him. Once again, the necklace returned to Tsunade's possession. With her spirit broken, Tsunade left Konoha with Dan's niece, Shizune, taking her in as her apprentice. [edit] Personality The deaths of Dan and Nawaki greatly changed Tsunade; Dan's death and her failed attempt to save him gave her a fear of blood, causing her to freeze up whenever seeing it. The amulet's repeated returns to her also led her and many others to believe that it was cursed, and whoever Tsunade might give it to would die soon after. Similarly, Tsunade came to lose faith in the title of Hokage, believing that only fools would want such a position that would, as she believed, inevitably require them to sacrifice themselves as all the previous Hokages had. While she would maintain this mindset for many years, meeting Naruto Uzumaki causes Tsunade to reject each of these ideas. Tsunade is approached by Jiraiya and Naruto with the offer of becoming the next Hokage. She declines the offer, ridiculing it and those who have held its position. Naruto, wanting to one day become Hokage, is enraged that she could say such things and tries to attack her with an incomplete Rasengan. While the attack fails, Tsunade decides to make a bet with him: if he can master the jutsu in a week he will get the First Hokage's amulet. Naruto accepts, and gets to work on the jutsu's completion. As the week progresses, Tsunade keeps a careful eye on Naruto's progress and all the while remembers Dan and Nawaki, both looking much like Naruto and both having the same dreams. When the week comes to an end, Naruto appears to have failed in completing the jutsu, and Tsunade believes the bet to have been impossible. During her later battle with Orochimaru, Tsunade's fear of blood leaves her paralyzed and unable to protect herself. Naruto arrives to save her and manages to land a perfected Rasengan on Kabuto Yakushi. After Naruto passes out due to his injuries, Tsunade acts on her promise and puts the amulet around his neck, wishing once more for its wearer to become Hokage. When Orochimaru attempts to kill Naruto, Tsunade overcomes her fear of blood for the sole purpose of protecting him, willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that Naruto becomes Hokage. Finally, Tsunade accepts the title of Fifth Hokage (五代目火影, Godaime Hokage?), Naruto's influence convincing her that the title her loved ones so dearly desired is something to be valued. Since then, Tsunade has maintained the belief that Naruto will someday become a great Hokage, her entire outlook on life changed because of him. Tsunade is a compulsive gambler who has the unfortunate disadvantage of having terrible luck. As a result, she has been elevated to a comical status as "The Legendary Sucker" (伝説のカモ, Densetsu no Kamo?, Viz "The Legendary Loser") for the gross profits others have made off her misfortune and gambling addiction. In the rare instances that Tsunade hits a winning streak, she believes it to be a bad omen, and bad things tend to happen to her afterwards. Her luck with bets has occasionally been used for optimistic purposes, such as betting that Jiraiya will die to ensure that he returns home safely. The symbol on the back of her coat, 賭 ("kake"), means "gamble," or "wager," as gambling is one of her favorite pastimes. Tsunade typically projects a tough demeanor, even when facing great personal difficulty, and rarely compliments or praises people. She readily criticizes others for their faults, such as Naruto for his immaturity or Jiraiya for his perversion. On occasion, though, Tsunade often shows sympathy for others, consoling Shikamaru that while he failed his mission to return Sasuke to Konoha, all of his teammates survived. In the filler arcs, it is shown that Tsunade often tries to avoid doing work. As a result of doing so, she often overlooks information that would be crucial to Naruto and his teammates, resulting in them accepting seemingly easy missions that turn out to be much harder than they expect. [edit] Abilities Tsunade's trademark ability is her superhuman strength, which is derived from her excellent chakra control. By storing chakra and releasing it at the point of contact, she can enhance her strength to the point where she can break through boulders with her bare hands or create a gigantic crater by simply kicking the ground. In addition, Tsunade can convert a small amount of this chakra into electricity for her Important Body Points Disturbance (乱身衝, Ranshinshō?). Once opponents are struck by this, the electrical flow of signals from their brain to the rest of their body is disrupted, such as causing their leg to move when they attempt to move their arm. This does not totally incapacitate the victim, however, as a person with enough physical control can work the system out (re-learnining to move their limbs with the disrupted signals,) and continue fighting with only a delay in reaction times. Kabuto surprises Tsunade with this, and fights until he is hit with Naruto's Rasengan. She is also an extremely talented Medical-nin, and can use medical jutsu to heal wounds that most others would consider impossible. As a result of her chakra control and her medical abilities, Tsunade has created a form of regeneration. By releasing the seal on her forehead, she can access the chakra stored inside to allow her to use Creation Rebirth (創造再生, Sōzō Saisei?, English TV: "Mitotic Regeneration"). Once activated, Creation Rebirth heals any and all damage to her body almost instantaneously, and allows her to continue to heal at an accelerated rate for the duration of the jutsu. While an extremely powerful healing technique, the rapid regeneration of cells cuts down on her lifespan, making it a technique to only be used in desperate situations. It also uses up her chakra reserves, leaving her unable to fight once the jutsu ends. Additionally, Tsunade can summon Katsuyu (カツユ ![]() Even though she is in her fifties, Tsunade's Transformation Technique allows her to appear at almost any age she wants, although she prefers a default form in her 20s. She often uses this ability to escape those who have lent her money, changing the age of her appearance to avoid being recognized. Tsunade's transformation is somewhat different from a normal transformation as it seems to be permanent, not getting dispelled when she is injured and apparently does not need to exert any effort to stay transformed. The transformation does rely on chakra in order to be maintained, and after exerting all of her chakra she reverts to her actual older form.[2] [edit] Plot overview After his failed invasion of Konoha, Orochimaru approaches Tsunade to persuade her to heal his arms, which would enable him to once again use jutsu and resume his plans for conquest. While she initially refuses, Orochimaru offers to revive Dan and Nawaki in exchange for healing his arms and providing two human sacrifices for their revival, giving her a week to consider. Once meeting Naruto Uzumaki, Tsunade begins to remember the dreams of her two loved ones and how much they loved the village of Konoha. While she longs to see them both again, Tsunade ultimately is unable to bring herself to help Orochimaru, his hopes of destroying Konoha too strong to ignore. Determined to protect the village her loved ones held dear until the end of their lives, Tsunade, with the help of Jiraiya, battles with Orochimaru and eventually defeats him. Having accepted the title of Fifth Hokage, Tsunade returns to Konoha afterwards. Since becoming Hokage, Tsunade has primarily acted as a source of assignments and mobilizes Konoha's forces when necessary. In addition, Tsunade plays a large role in healing the more severe injuries that befall upon ninja she sends on missions. However, during Part II, her decisions begin to conflict with the views of Konoha's elders, and she is forced to form compromises before her plans can proceed. At the end of Part I, Sakura Haruno becomes Tsunade's apprentice, and over the time skip, Tsunade teaches her how to use her healing abilities and how to focus chakra and release it at a precise point so it will enable her to have superhuman strength. Despite being needed for the role of Hokage, Tsunade has stated that she would readily abandon her post if Jiraiya ever needed her help fighting Akatsuki |