Giving Pumpkin
Registered: Feb 27, 2006 5:24 PM

ID: 54938
Title: User
Name: Pumpkin Orangetropolis
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,177,812
Pet choice: Liberate
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Water Melon Seed, Banana Boat, Granny Smith Apple, Blueberry Banter
Shops:Eem Donations, The One Eem Shop, This Piggy Went To Market, Prizes
Last seen: 879 weeks, 4 days, 14 hours, 59 minutes ago

Hallo there! I'm Giving Pumpkin and yes I do give out free items.

You may click here for a free item. (Random.)

If you're looking for a specific item you may want to ask the Wish Fulfiller.

I also have a One Eem Shop that you might like to stop by.

I also have an Eem Donation Shop for those kind hearts who'd like to help me out.

And lastly there's This Piggy Went To Market which is a normal shop with affordable prices.

Please don't abuse the free item link, only use it if you really need it. And please limit the use to one time per week. Also, if I've got an item Giveaway going on and you've already clicked the link, do not post to get another free item. ONE FREE ITEM PER WEEK please. I do not have unlimited items.

Please don't scam this account either, it'll only come back to you. [Karma..] And I'll most likely block you. =D

If you're interested in donating, you can stop by the Eem Donation store...(link above) or you can just donate an item. If the general eem donation prices are too high, eemail me and I'll change the price for you personally.

I'm also a Guardian! =3

Ongoing Contests and Auctions:

There are no auctions going on.

There is currently no contests or giveaways going on.

Thank you to Alpha who donated around 100k to me! =3 What goes around, comes around. =D
Ooerr while we're on the subject of my eem; it fluctuates regularly. People donate which makes it quite high-but then I spend it all to buy the items (some rare) that are used for contests, the One Eem Store, and free items so yes...thanks if you donated eem! =3
Thank you Resin for the items and eem! =3
Thank you theflaneyllama for the items!

Please! No random eemails. This is not an account made for friendship; it is merely an item giving account and friendly eemails can get in the way and get VERY annoying. Refrain from sending eemails not related to donating or asking for an item. =3 Thanks![/b]