its me
Registered: Aug 27, 2003 9:34 PM

ID: 5022
Title: User
Name: me me
Gender: Male
Eem: 5,358,313
Pet choice: Liberate
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member, Plinchet "Lover", Hoarder, Human Vault
Pets: pengyween, Foamy_the_squirel, sparkers, Fucking shop pet, rat with wings, sexi momma, Morrich
Shops:collectables, good vibrations, stuff i wanna sell, A storage locker, NOT FOR SALE
Last seen: 240 weeks, 1 day, 22 hours, 24 minutes ago

yo been here for a long time now......

I had this up awhile ago but I removed it I carry a G22 and a Tarus pt-25
If you ever wanna talk about guns then I'm your man. I'm always up for answering questions, open debate or discussion, reloading ammo, lead ammo casting, hunting, different countries gun philosophy (manufacture or laws), history of firearms designs, or gun builds from 80% lowers or from scratch (steel blocks on a CNC machine or stamped recivers like AK-47s).

I'm starting to go through and add everyone I know from here on facebook. If you get a friend request and a message saying I know you from eCritters it really is me.

i really miss my pitchfork i gave 10 of them away when i thought i could buy them forever.
i wouldn't say no to a death rock or a katana either. give me either and i will shower you with gifts.

~goal- win lottery by buying 1 ticket