Registered: | Jul 26, 2005 9:07 AM |
ID: | 42879 |
Title: | User |
Name: | A Jesus-lover!! <3 |
Gender: | Female |
Pet choice: | Befriend |
eeMail: | Send eeMail |
Forum posts: | Forum posts |
Achievements: | Member |
Pets: | Looking out for others, Giving freely, Divine grace, Selfless acts of generosity, Generosity and Grace, Lamb of God, Unfailing Love, The Love of God, Giving yet still gaining, Consuming Fire, The Light of the World, The Transfiguration, Mark 16.6, Living Water, Conqueror of Death, Jesus ain't no fraud!, The Lion and the Lamb, The Master Physician, Not a bone was broken, Never Again, The peace that passes understanding, Made innocent with His blood, Glory of God, The Way, Joy of the Redeemed, The Solid Rock |
Shops: | Healing Items, The Guardian Ring, River of Life, 1 EEM, , Color-Changers, Love <3 |
Last seen: | 806 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes ago |
Hey look...God loves you. He's really looking out for your best interests, even if you don't care about Him. Imagine what kind of love that must take. He loves with a love that would give up His precious Son for the well-being of millions of undeserving wretches. Could you do such a thing for ONE selfish brat, let alone a world of them? I'm telling you that God loves every one of those brats even if they curse Him day and night. That's just how God is. He's love, perfect love. Don't you want that kind of love in your life? It doesn't end when you really screw up or when you get weak. It doesn't depend on how much effort you put into things or even who you are. It just loves, eternally and personally. The problem is that there's a barrier between people and God. Since God's nature is perfect and righteous, He deserves that His creation give Him respect and recognition (worship). However, the first people abused their freedom of choice and disobeyed Him, letting humanity become corrupted. Ever since then, people have committed crimes against God (sin). Disobeying an eternal God deserves eternal punishment (hell). God could have completely destroyed humanity out of anger and started all over, but because of His infinite love He didn't. Instead He started a plan to rescue people from the eternal punishment their sins deserve. Long story short, God sent Jesus to Earth to take the punishment of ALL sin on Himself so that it could be possible to lift the sentence off of anyone who would accept what Jesus did. The debt can only be paid if a person takes the ransom Jesus paid for them. Once that happens, the eternal punishment's sentence is lifted and the relational barrier between the person and God is removed. I can't truly describe what it's like to be free from that, or to have a relationship with God. It's too much for words. You have so much peace--not the kind that you forcing yourself to have, not the kind you get on an island vacation or when you're ralaxing with loved ones. It's deep inner peace that bubbles up and grows in you. Not mystic stuff. Not "ooh, spiritual" either. It's just peace, the kind of peace that you'd feel if Someone really powerful and loving was deep in your spirit and giving you life. It feels amazing. And it's not something that you play mind tricks with yourself for. It stays, even on terrible days when you want to give up. I want to ask you to consider the offer God made for you when Jesus took the hits for your crimes. He really loves you and wants to see you growing and healthy. Like I said before, He's looking out for your best interest, even if the first step hurts. If you put your pride down and accept His offer personally I will promise you you'll never be the same. I'm not. |