Registered: Aug 9, 2003 7:21 PM

ID: 4078
Title: User
Name: *sigh* *hic*
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,038,608
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Kyaran, Kiran, Sidaderk
Shops:Gallery, Stuff n' Sales, Supplies
Last seen: 983 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes ago


Name/b] Amanda/Kyra/Ace/Kamon
Age/b] 11
Hobbies/b] Things...RPG.
Goal/b] Largest Collection of Flaillip Nuts.
Groups/b] Darkside, The Pointless Random Group (I am the Flying Garden Gnome Squadron Coordinater.)
Bottled Blobs
Slurg Plushies
CJ Royal Pillow
Leif Shrine
Flailiap Nuts
Thank You!
T'hankoo (Thank you)
Telepathetic (XD I'm not sure.)
Yat (Yay)
Wowo (Wow)
Syupid (Stupid)
Pussle (Puzzle)
Art by Me/b]


Thank you groovychickjr36!

From groovychickjr36. ^^

"Flying near the clouds,
A couragous small beast,
Speaking to me,
Staying with me,
A small red beast."

The red crystal began to swell, and burst like a baloon. Inside it was a small lion, about the size of a large dog. It had large red wings, and the rest of its body was a sunset orange color.
From /|\The Second Anon Shop/|\ by Kagote
A Small RPG Guide
eemail me to add something.
1. RPG means Role Playing Game.
2. Basicly, to play one person/you post a setting/character and what it's doing. Then you/other people post.
3. Don't god mode/be someone elses character. God moding is killing someone's character without giving them time to defend themselves.
4. Use your imagination. Be someone else on different RPs and give a discription. Don't do this:
'Sam walks into the room and starts dancing.'
This would be better:
'Sam walks into the room. He is wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes. After looking around for a little while he starts to dance.'
5. Use correct grammer, puncuation, and spelling so people can understand you. NO CHATSPEAK!
6. OOC stands for "Out of character." IC means "In character." Remember that you know more about what is going on in the game than your character knows. Don't give OOC knowledge to your character if your character has no way of learning that knowledge within the game. (Even a telepath wouldn't know everything.) By Canton.
7. Pay attention to the story line by reading previous posts. When you are familiar with the setting and situation, post in the established tense as much as possible. All of this helps in the prevention of role-playing time warps which are, if involuntary and/or uncoordinated, very confusing. By Canton

(c) to Me