Registered: May 11, 2005 11:00 PM

ID: 37508
Title: User
Name: Rachel, shepard of those lost souls of the McPlague
Gender: Female
Email: [email protected]
Eem: 1,859,528
Pet choice: Liberate
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Achievements: Member
Pets: Suoh, Saki, Samsung
Shops:Le Things on High
Last seen: 970 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes ago

Hullo my darling.. Gwahh.. I really don't have much to say.

I be 14.. all the people at the art forum make me jealous... So.. much.. talent.. T_T

Hooomygod. Why are you here? How do you know me? Who told you I exist?

How do you even KNOW I exist?

Oh dandy. By George, you've brought out the budding sociopath in me again.

No more than two, lesthanthree. -joins bandwagon-

Someday when I'm all big and strong maybe I'll be able to draw like them.