polar monkey
Registered: Mar 20, 2005 11:15 AM

ID: 33616
Title: User
Name: skye none
Gender: Female
Eem: 925
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: candy land, mygodthisguylooksfreaky, ttyl, mirla, darkin, queen frostine, X_o, linnarna, wings of snow, zenna, duckins, cheesins, midnight glare, rainbowie, mirie, I SQUISH YOU WITH MY FUZZY FEET, bronzie, miggili, shadowofthemoon, fifi the koala, browni, little mr joe, alittletoohappy, shadow of the sky, kadys dream star, kadys dream ride, depresson of the moon, fire giffen, fuzzen devil, merlin midnight, midnights full moon, alifroggirl is cool, the used, Marria, fireyes, aragonae, Xx Evanescence xX, super sheep, britney spears sucks and should go shag sheep, kushible kushy, doom on whoever used the name kush kush, pie thrower, michelle branch, FUCK book worm 123, tropical splash, waterfall of power, TINAyoufatlardcomegetsomeham, kelika, leleach is cool, george bush sucks and should kill himself, the used is the best band in the world, my chemical romance, PJs are snuggily and fun to wear, them damn kids are always after me lucky charms, winkie, greenday is cool, bill clinton , bill clinton is cool, NOW WITH BIGGER MARSHMALLOWS THEY WONT FIT IN YOUR SPOON, yet another debeon, fuzzy little dinkin, dinkin, doobie, emilythestrange, ed the egg, ed the sock, heresalittlestoryabouttheleaderofamerica-somebodyguardrunsinandsaysmrbushtheresanemergincyifyoupressthisbuttontheworldwillblowupgeorgesimplyrepliesyallmeanthisbuttonand-BAM-theworldblowsup, VOTE FOR PEDRO, ickle dillykins, ickle wee macicans0, kabooster, molykins, locococo, WillSmithIsAnnotingAndShouldKillHimself, Captian Jack Sparrow, HAPPY EASTER 2005, DOOM ON HAYAHAY515, kundelli, zack the evil yelowcllardmacaw, milda, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH A BUG, silly rabbit- tricks are for kids, go attack george bush, THERE MAGICLY DELICIOUS, koruni, mofasa, red glitter, POTC, jenne, smickle, freddy bob, yellow is for turtles, moshi squishys ROCk, mr cocoballs, pelt me pete, steel guitar, Ashlee Simpson -LALA-, grimy
Shops:candy lands shop of fluff, the shop with no name, i cant think of a name..., smily faces and items!
Last seen: 900 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 55 minutes ago