Registered: Mar 6, 2005 3:42 PM

ID: 32684
Title: User
Name: the other AvatarFan
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,001,669
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Goddess of the Oceans, Fire girlllll, male idiot , Red Rose Mascott, Oceanic Sweetie
Shops:Red Roses
Last seen: 1022 weeks, 1 day, 23 hours, 48 minutes ago

Red Rose: Ava (me)
Pink Rose: Trisha
White Rose: (events coordinator)

Red Rose Bud: (attendance and treasury)
Pink Rose Bud: (assistant treasury)
White Rose Bud: (assistant Cooridinator)

Red Bud: (pelter)
Pink Bud: (pelter)
White Bud: (pelter)

Common Red Rose Questions!

Q:Why is your mascott the Red Nyrial?

A:Because the Nyrial has a grace about her that we find the roses have aswell.

Q:Why do some memberships cost eem?

A:Not just anyone gets into the Roses, and we have to have a steady income.

Q:What if i wanted to become a rose?

A:You should eemail our private account, Red Roses

like my wolf? there is one request left in the art forum, or you can eemail me with this form:

Eye Color-


the price:200 eem

thankee Takeyah (sp?lol)

tankee child of darkness