Registered: Feb 15, 2005 5:00 PM

ID: 31354
Title: User
Name: Cloe Hazelnut
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,123
Pet choice: Enslave
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Craig_dutch_bision, janniepooh, my_Bailey-boo, my_tig, big boneded nolon, dances_with_wolves, my-Bailey
Shops:my_collectables, R.I.P._Bailey, Things I have adopted, awards recieved/nfs,
Last seen: 887 weeks, 5 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes ago


If your dumb and can't read cursive here is what it says:
#2How I want to be with you....
#3But sadly all I want I will never have....
#4So believe me when I say I love you with all my (heart)
#5 Bailey I love you... R.I.P June 16,2005 2:58 p.m.

R.I.P. Bailey we'll always miss thee.[/color][/bg]

crazy me
me and "Bailey" my guitar
crazy me

my poems

I can do anything I want...I just need the will power.

Golf Cart:$2,000
Black Hat:$5
Having your younger brother shoufur you around in a tux and black hat...priceless.

My real name is
I loveimage=]

[/color] 14 Reasons to looove me.
1.I love BAILEY!!!
2.I love...noone
3.The ecritter boy of October is Saw.
4.I have blue eyes
5.I have blonde hair!!
6.I am wierd
7.I dislike people who are mean
8.I listen to Stevie Wonder
9.I like old music
10.I haven't had my first kiss.
11.Instaed of saying fuck I say fuc.
12.My favorite t.v. shows are....Family Guy,The Simpsons,Instant Star and, Degrassi.
13.Is how old I am
14.This makes life worth living oh yea take it off saw,and the reason saw is the ecritters boy of this month
15.Josh is sexy.
16.I love Josh but the sad truth is that I know we'll only be "just freinds".
17.Anyone who is willing to read this know that I love you

There are two types of people in this world, survivors and victims, that was a victim."
Your soul is hidden. You act happy and cheerful all the time, but it's really becuase your insecure and unhappy. You can't bear the thought that someone will know your unhappiess and try to help you. People who are openly sad make you uncomfortable because you wish you could be that free. You point out the better things in life to try to make everyone think your optimistic. You act childish because child are innoncent and happy. Your really fake but you do it out of fear of people not liking you. You probably cry to sleep.
COLOR: Bright colors, remind you of your false happiness and mostly green for envy of people who release their pain for all to see.

So true.