Nuka the sleek
Registered: Sep 29, 2004 3:46 PM

ID: 23680
Title: User
Name: Howling fury
Gender: Male
Eem: 1,000,004
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Huttser Of Domar, pinkgirls friend pet, produce owner
Shops:2500 or less, Rock palce, all of produce
Last seen: 1012 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, 24 minutes ago


~You wonder in life. Where you belong, where you'll grow strong. Where life is, and where your heart is.You are proud,loving, and deep. You reach for the stars and you go far.You believe nothing is impossible.You are an Orb of Stars.~

`Note:You were VERY hard to decide. Because, you might think things are imposible...and I don't know. You were a 2 way tie. Orb of Destiny vs. Orb of Stars.[/quote]

very true i belive everything can be both possible and impossible at the same time

I am as deep as life itself...

Quote: why are we dying to live when we are just living to die?

A long gash tore through the mighty flesh of Nuka, he had waited a long time for this battle and a mere crossbowman or janissary wasn't going to stop him from the man who killed his father. The most terrifing man on earth was Huttser.
Nuka, a sleek black wolf born from gray and artic wolf parents. He had silently killed the two men and he absentmindedly limped tword the citadel with one thought on his mind, death of Huttser.He had silently made it past the guards and made his way one by one tword the highest tower. And then,it happened...Huttser, the giant of a man who killed the parents was now standing before huttser in rage. now huttser sprang at his throat and nerly got to it before he knocked it away with a collossal fist.It was now time to put my wolf instints to action thought nuka.
next nuka found himself running for his life and while he ran his clear eyes saw somthing gleam... it was another wolf, no two canines! he at least had some creatures to look at( for the past hour he had seen nothing but trees, grass and Huttser)
He tore through the terrace and met up with the seemingly nice wolves...
with great misfortune, a very angered huttser swung an ax above the wolves heads. the wolves each charged athis throat and nuka struck and killed huttser this was a very victorious day for huttser. or was it...

Thanks igivestuff

Thanx anima!

Thanx tuff girl

A lonely wolf named starlight had been wandering for hours. the wolf was Black exept for a white cresent shape on its head. "how long until the chipmunks and other animals at that came into view" Starlight wondered aloud. He ran for another 6 miles and he came across a flame. a lonely flame that he knew only humans could have created and he started bearing his teeth. a twig snapped and he sprand into ation making his powerful jaws work for him. he struck one native human after another until one remained, pointing its crossbow at starlight...
They both stood silently for about a minute both realizing weapon and prey. they hesitatied and the native american took aim and fired at starlight missing him by inches starlight had the advantage of surprise he struck and killed the one who tried to kill him and then he had a meal of carrion for the rest of the day.that night he wondered about tyhe great mysteries of life. he had many questions about what had happened but now he only wanted rest...THe next morning ,a muzzle of straw on his face, he had been stolen