Registered: | Jul 18, 2004 5:13 AM |
ID: | 20022 |
Title: | User |
Name: | Luci Young |
Gender: | Female |
Eem: | 1,000,298 |
Pet choice: | Befriend |
eeMail: | Send eeMail |
Forum posts: | Forum posts |
Achievements: | Member |
Pets: | Loste, woot, F1r3F1y, Wisk, Mieow, Vandalizer |
Shops: | *Cheaper*, *Cheap* |
Last seen: | 1058 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes ago |
My {username} is [insert] =O -AKA Looby, Purple Loobeh, Magnetic, Squat Orange. Once, there lived a girl called Lucinda Young who wasn't sure about where she should be, or how she should act. ...Lets eat her. If violets were red, And roses were blue, I'd be a fruitcake, And so would you. o-O How to cure your love for someone! If you are in love with someone, and it hurts because they don't love you back, wait for them to act like a dick x-X It usually works. Little eeCode guide eeCode- this is the code you use in your profile, signature, shop description, and on the forums, to make everything more decorative and stuff. Here, is a little eeCode guide. Made because I'm bored as fuck .-. Um, not because I care or anything. -ALWAYS remember to close tags!- Text Basics -Do lots with text. [b]Hi![/b] = Hi! [i]Hi![/i] = Hi! [u]Hi![/u] = Hi! [s]Hi![/s] =Hi! You can change the size and the colour, too. Replace the number with any number from 1 to 51. [size=20]Hi![/size] = Hi! [size=15]Hi![/size]=Hi! Colors- pick from a range of colours! =) You can replace the written colour with any colour, or colour code (often used with HTML)! [color=blue]Hi![/color] = Hi! [color=red]Hi![/color] =Hi! You can also highlight your text. [bg=red]Hi![/bg] =Hi! Again, you can change red to any colour or colour code (often used with HTML) you want. Using URLS - eeCode which uses URLS. Make a link to a webpage! [url=]eCritters[/url] = eCritters or [link=]eCritters[/link] = eCritters -either will work to link. You can show images, that maybe you made (never show someone else's work without giving credit to them), or something. [image=] = You don't need to close this tag, as there is no text involved. Fun stuff - Stuff that's nice to use =D Some people like to change whereabouts on the page their text is - left, center, right. [align=right]Hi![/align] = Hi! Just replace "right" with left, or center. Acronyms - I love them =) You can seem random (hover mouse over 'random'), or make sense with them. W/e - they're nice to use, no? (hover mouse over "W/e".) [acronym=Lucinda Young]What is my name?[/acronym] = What is my name? (hover mouse over "What is my name?".) That's really all the eeCode I know =X If you feel you need more, and need an FAQ, click here. ------ Back to very top |