Wishing Well
Registered: Jul 7, 2004 6:31 AM

ID: 19426
Title: User
Name: Wishing Well
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,296,946
Pet choice: Ignore
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Mystick, Majick, ancient misanthropic spirit of the forest
Shops: . bottom of the well ., , . food hoard .
Last seen: 992 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 51 minutes ago

-- closed for now since i left the site for a while, but i may just be back in business soon! --

. I ' l l . G r a n t . Y o u r . W i s h .

Wishes granted: 152

You may ask for an item once a day. You are more likely to recieve a random item than a special request, depending on availability. Don't spam me with eeMails if I don't answer; I rarely respond to eeMails at all. Donations are no longer needed, but are greatly appreciated.

currently, some changes are being made, but items will still be requestable. check back occasionally.