Blue Sapphire12
Registered: Jun 24, 2004 3:26 PM

ID: 18814
Title: User
Name: Moon Sapphire
Gender: Female
Eem: 10,430,057
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Sapphire_Dragon12, X_Moon_X
Shops:Newbie shop(almost)
Last seen: 1037 weeks, 4 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes ago

I am ~*~Sapphire~*~
who are you?



- Bunny Beany

- Bottled MacDougs'Soul

- CJ Fan Button

- CJ Royal Pillow

- Compass

- Hoppaki Plushie

- Lazy Derlon Postcard

- Leif Shrine

- Orb Of Nature

- RR 1000!

- Zeka Plushie

Please Donate!

- Tenshi Chan
- 0x
- NeFeara
- Griffinsong
- Cavy_girl100
- Popcorngirl/CloudPuff
- raichu288
- Geminia
- Wolf_Of_Wonders
- AquaMarina
- Nightwolf278
- Thank's CJ
For The Wittle Weif!
- FluffyKitten

Pictures I like:
Pokemon Pictures:

Digimon Pictures:

Award's i Won!:

sunofgray Thinks You're Cool!B)........keep in touch


Midnight_wolf thinks you rock!


Not just a pretty face~*~


Ribbon's i Won!:

Award's i give out!:

Blue_Sapphire12 think's you are just like Gold! o

Cute Adoptable's!:


Name: Pikachu
Thanx! ~*~Monkey Crazy~*~

Name: X_Sapphire_Dragon_X
Thanx! ~*~frino2202~*~

Name: SapphireDramon
Thanx! ~*~Cimber~*~

Nmae: Snow_AngeDramon
Thanx! ~*~Amaya~*~

Name: Golden_Derramon
Thanx!~*~Alia Foxfire~*~

Name: Shadow_Moon_AngeDramon

Name: Sapphire_Dragon12

Name: Kitxmon

Name: Sapphire_Pingmon


Name: Dark_Sapphire

Name: Mew

Name: Moonmon

Name: Mousemon
Thanx!~*~Lath Mystery~*~

Name: Xenomon
Thanx!~*~Daredevil Stunt Monkeys~*~

Name: Quaxmon
Thanx!~*~Daredevil Stunt Monkeys~*~

Name: AzuDramon

Name: Guilmon

Name: Dollmon

Name: Azura_Moon
~*~not just a pretty face~*~

Name: BooBoo

Nmae: Tom and Jerry

Cat's Name: Kittemon
Cat's Age: 2 Digital Years
Cat's Favorite Toy: Blue Star Ball
Cat's Favorite Food: Doesn't need food!
Cat's Owner: Blue_Sapphire12

Thanx!~*~InuYasha Rox~*~

Nmae: Alexmon

I need more Adoptable's
please send me a eeMail
if you have Any.

Ribbon's i made:

If you want to win this
you must have Sapphire in your Username or in one of your Pets name.

If you want to win this you must have
1,000,000 Eem or more.

If you want to win this
you must have 5000 Eem and under.

You must Like/Love Pokemon if you want to win this Ribbon.

You must Like/Love Pikachu if you wanna win this Ribbon.

You must have the word Moon in your Username or
in one of your pets Name.

If you want this Ribbon
you must be a Impmon Fan.

You must be my Friend
if you want too win this Ribbon.

You must have Dragon in your Username or in one of your Pets Name.
If you want this.

You must Like/Love
Digimon if you want this Ribbon.

If you want a Ribbon eeMail me.

My Cat:

Isn't he soo Cute?

Reached 1 million eem
Reached 2 million eem
Reached 3 million eem
Reached 4 million eem
Reached 5 million eem
Reached 6 million eem
Reached 7 million eem
Reached 8 million eem
Reached 9 million eem
Found & have
a rare orb of dreams!
I Suggested the
Heart Pillow.

Find & own
a Hoppaki plushie &
Zeka Plushie.
Win a Title
Win a place on the
Top richest user list.

Adoptables i made:

- eCritters Kids
Here are all the eCritter Kids i have made just for you to adopt:

- Hoppaki
- Zeka
- Quasitel
- Snarth
- Hyia
- Drokaal
- Iorax
- Radus
- Ferran
- Nyrial
- Shyon
- Kyrian
- Zetsia
- Kushy
- Isil
- Sehtuu
- Shanori
- Quala
- Kadorr
- Halitar
- Murrla
- Eliserm
- Kimri
- Derlon
- Kyeu
- Morrich
- Finel
- Proach

Colours you can choose from: Blue , Red , Green & Yellow.

Here is a Sample:

- Puff adoptable
(Really Cute)


Form you will
need to fill out:

Hair color:
Foot Colour:
Eye Colour:

More Adoptables soon!

eeMail me if you want a eCritter Kid or Puff Adoptable.

The adoption's will not stop because i am having soo much fun making & giveing them to you.

This is a message & is for all the adoptables i make/made.