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Registered: Jun 15, 2004 3:39 PM

ID: 18374
Title: User
Name: Nicky L
Gender: Female
Email: [email protected]
Eem: 1,000,562
Pet choice: Befriend
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Benion, Fillia, Emeraldo, Boomchi, Feriousni, Griphee, Grechina, Flammio, Goldener, Canari, Lionne, Melice, Charleon, Miu, Warl, Kleen, Melonia, Breezina, Roofia, Moopei, Zippi, Vipheon, Blazeno, Leafon, Saphiren, Kissie, Heaton, Grawl, Aquareon, Electra, Quanch, Trechon, Dragox, Shanen, Hashi, Finani, Bingban, Paniana, Harphie, Shenogon, Hepph, Wrathni, Gaffle, Brepp, Meglin, Cromia, Midneifus, Jenia, PeltMeandDie, Etchia, Derago, Shimmel, Raclen, Horney, Stingie, Venomia, Waspie, Grethen, Linanette, Peganus, Ferina, Gerogen, Relina, Dodey, Prissie, Lionarr, Hurgan, Pamella, Hariette, Shiriu, Billiute, ReinkiFox, Lianess, Kuribohs, Flameria, Tangeari, Boadier, Roosten, Striper, Ferrienne, Harpina, Bosso, Mena, Dohera, Omigan, Revie, Renen, Crett, Marinai
Shops:Miu's Shop, ChichiFa's Gallery of Joy, Aquareon's Uncommon Store, Saphiren's Rares, Storage.., Balls of Fluff!!! :D, Stuffed Snarths Foreva!!!, Dustbunny Hell!!!, Roofia's Auctions
Last seen: 1023 weeks, 17 hours, 53 minutes ago

Pet Count: 89
Pelt me, and your offered to be on my friends list. Unless otherwise :3


If you want to pelt one of my pets, pelt "PeltMeandDie".. Don't worry, it won't bite..


Please check out Miu's Shop, there's allways going to be something!!! ^_^
(everything below 1000eem!)

My Gallery of Joy holds special items I'd like to keep, but show aswell..



Condoms are wrong because all they're used for is orgasms==sensual pleasure.
Candy is generally used for nothing but sensual pleasure.
Ergo, if your argument against condoms is sound, then candy is wrong.

-General Wesc

okay, now we're talking about candy vs. condoms.. moo, this is the weirdest convo ever o_o;


Here, it's like eCritters is a school. You gotta start good, or you have a long way to make up for your reputation.



My eCritter pals/color]
Covert Sushi


eCritter Enemies


Trivia (finished)/color] Level 15
Insomniac Puzzles (finished)/color] Level 1


My prized pet is my Boomchi

I Love My


I know I have alot of pets.. They're easy to take care of, but do you think you can keep up with me???

I know I can keep up with you...

Yes, I know I'm alittle crazy... NOT!!! I'm completely insane

Motto: "I can win at anything I put my mind to, and if I can't win, I can make it a tie.. But if there's a less likely way to tie, I still catch up dramatically.."


Pets I'm pelting forever/color]


Art for eCritters

My images for eCritters as items/color]
The Cat King/color]
- pending

Mystical Optics/color]
- pending

(If you just happen to stumble upon these, and it still has "pending" on it, and just happen to see these items anywhere, eemail me and let me know they're out..)


My Slug Beanbag Doll!!!


manyman for 5