Registered: Feb 23, 2004 6:57 PM

ID: 13837
Title: User
Name: Covenat Elite
Gender: Male
Eem: 1,004,338
Pet choice: Enslave
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Senoskee, Elite2
Last seen: 985 weeks, 20 hours, 31 minutes ago

Friends List~~~
Sexy baby

Pronounceation: Elite(ee leat)

Give me a chance to do a hip hop dance!
(Can I have a slave doll? Or a strawhert?)


Awesome game!

Name-Zeek Tenrio
Age-unknown! Uh huh

Yes I'm a Alien. I'm not in denial.
Fav quotes-
Eemail quoters-
Welcome to ecritters! Hope you die now!.

Yes, I like this place already.
Senoskee is a fire bird. :3
Gimmeh a slave doll, not that I deserve it.We are out there. You aren't alone......
Senoskee- He watches over my slaves which are really a resistance. They work to help build our secret base to conquer doom ducks slave camp. If you see some wonderers send them to me. So we can live in peace.
About My pet(s)
Senoskee-Very brave, and can be really nice.
He was found wounded on the side of a stream. I quickly helped him and he soon recovered. He helps me by watching over the camp, and pretecting me. He is never asleep. He rarely complains and if he does it's a jke. He hates Doom Duck's pet, but is willing to make friends.
If you would want to help feed him send me something that is cheap. He eats like a hippo.

Ye who can pelt,must be able to recover from peltings.

What's that mean?
Powered by...whatever

Ecritters journal:Started:6:32 pm :5-6-04
Today, I finally found a blue bed for Senoskee. He seems to like it, instead of the floor. I've given him an orb of fire a month ago, and he has cheerished it since. He still has some ragady old slave dolls, that he plays with, when his tired, or isn't doing anything. But like I said, "Senoskee is a fire bird :3". 'Cause he loves that orb. aw..... he just tore the head off that innocent deadbunnymasterg thingy. Yup. He's speshfuler.