That last pet name was not long enough this pet name will be about olmight Hug she is awesome she is good at art and cool actaully I think I sound a bit wierd so never mind keep worshipping her but dont get me involved I feel wierd already I need to go to bed my eyes are drooping I cannot see what i am typing but I am trusting my hands to be hitting the right keys KBITAHNKS I have no clue what I just ytped I just turned on caps lock and put in some letters I made an RP except it is not good at all it is aout some stuff doing some stuff and taking some stuff and it is just about stuff my shops are chea look in them because you might find something aesomlly cool
Owner: Pook
Color: Blue
Species: Shyon
Health: 100/100
Intelligence: 100
Gender: male
Created: 2005-03-12