Registered: Jul 22, 2009 3:23 PM

ID: 88279
Title: User
Name: Are you sure u wnat to know?
Gender: Male
Eem: 1,215
Pet choice: Ignore
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Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Last seen: 669 weeks, 2 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes ago

hair:red and spiky

i am a writer. i love the enviorment and o everythign i can to help it.

earth is like a parent to u because it provides usa home,food, and water and other essentials for life like your average parent would. and how do we reapy earth? we pollute its air,litter,destroy natural hbitatas and other harmfull things. earth has gvien us so mcuha nd cared for humans for several eyars. If you beleive and want to help the enviorment then copy&paste this on your profile

i also own odd pets like a monkey,alligator,a large boa about 5ft long,a robin which i rescued b\c it was hurt,a hermit crab,an iguana and a samoyed is my only regular pet.
dislikes:preps,math,gym,pasta,cuban food,shopping,stupid shows liek ameica's funniest home videos8it is nto funnywhen people hurt themselves like that* and several other thigns in life.
loves"scary movies,mtv&mtv2,vampire&fantasy novels,traveling,skateboarding,video games,reptiles,little kids*babysitting them*,doing stunts and just beign myself

Reason by : me
i need a reason to know my true purpose in life
I need a reason to be in love with someone
I need a reason for living
I need areason for my existance
I need a reason for why you love me so much
I need a reason for why i'm still breathing
I need a reason for why I'm on earth

I always ask myself why lfie isn't really the way it seems and taht thigns should be different and not the same but instead i'm stuck in a period o time where fashion is repeated,school ssytems hardly chnage, there is still a world crisis some wheer in the world and some coutnries it doesn't seem fair that peopel put up with a communist goverment now seriously whta on erth