Registered: Apr 2, 2003 3:03 AM

ID: 477
Title: User
Name: The Cube of Tofu
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,008,826
Pet choice: Tolerate
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Aiya
Shops:The Bargain Shoppe
Last seen: 1084 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes ago

Things people should know:
My gender! I am a female, beaver dam you. ¬_¬ Sure I'm a tomboy, but it gets annoying after a while.
I am a vegetarian! So don't mail me saying "Beeeeef... Pooooork" or something otherwise I will hit you. With rocks. o_O
I'm moody. I'm either spunky or gothic. So don't think we are schizophrenic. We're not.
Reality TV sucks. It really does.
I am an addict gum, pet sites, and AiM.
My name is Tofu. Yes. Yes it is.
I go by God Futo. Well, sometmes. Yah know... like Futo. Tofu. It's just spelled wrong. Okay nevermind you don't care. I'm saddened.
I'm an athiest. So I really don't believe in myself, now do I?
I'm speeeeecial. My favourite colour is blue. =P And I like mandarin oranges. Yummmm.
You. Mail me. I like recieving mail. Lots of it. Now hurry up and mail me something random before I go on a rock spree.
-pooooke- I poked you. Pass it on!~

Ta-da! I drew. It's supposed to be me.
With a hat.
And green eyes.
And really short hair.
And freckles.
Okay, so it's not me.