Registered: Jul 5, 2005 2:38 PM

ID: 41482
Title: User
Name: Ultimecia Omega
Gender: Female
Eem: 22,606
Pet choice: Enslave
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: xOmega Weaponx
Shops:O'aka's Shop
Last seen: 944 weeks, 2 days, 5 hours, 24 minutes ago

Mood: Bored

I may look nice and all goody goody in my pictures, but I have a very bad split personality. One minute I may be nice to you and the next pissed the fuck off. This goes for friends and enemies. Plus take it from me and my friends I have very bad moodswings.Im like a giant mood swing..I go from happy to fucking pissed, to crying my eyes out. Im very emotional. Oh Yah..And i hate being fucking pissed off, because it usually ends up to me crying so if you are here just to do that GO the FUCK away!! -k and we wont have a problem..

Now after that episode you probably are thinking, What a bitch, right? Well I can be..And you probably thinking, that you dont want to be my friend at this point. But if im in a good mood believe me. I am a fun person to be around. I like talking to people. If you can't hold a conversation though, dont expect me to talk to you. I like meeting new people and finding friends. I have put my current mood at the top of my profile. It's best to talk to me when im happy, in love, havind fun, or bored. I would advise not talking to me when im, Fucking pissed, angry, or busy. If im crying you can take your chances. Depends what im crying for.


The ones with a star are the ones i consider friends and would trust with my life. The ones with two stars are who I know in real life. The ones without a star are the ones that asked me to be there friends and I dont really talk to..


***Info on me***

Name: Misery Decapo (Nick Name: Mizzee)
Birthday: December 19th 1987
Eyes: Green
Pets: Fluffy(bunny), Alexis(cat) and Pooka(cat), and HoneyBear(ChowChow)
Loves: Anime, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Hanging out, Trampolines,cosplaying
Hates: Posers, Picture thefts, Art thefts, Liers

I love Lenne and Shuyin. Such a cute couple. A lot of people say I look like Lenne.