Registered: Jul 15, 2003 1:16 PM

ID: 2380
Title: User
Name: Isla Daragon
Gender: Female
Eem: 1,027,065
Pet choice: Enslave
eeMail: Send eeMail
Forum posts: Forum posts
Achievements: Member
Pets: Burninggoo, icyfire, Vinewalker, dancingmoon, Forestlurker, Thornbush, SkieStorm, Flameking, Atlantis, Comet, Kree, Poison, Bloodstone, Sandmonster, Cecil, Lapis Luzuli, ScorchingCactus, Machu Pichu, RoseofDeath, Goldfish with Bulgy Eyes , Tolkien, Murkydepths, Non-PurplePeopleEater, Deyganna
Shops:Quishe, OW!, Bow Down!
Last seen: 1048 weeks, 6 days, 13 hours, 37 minutes ago

Yes I do pelt people. Get used to it.
Now that that's out of the way. I am a 1028 year old vegitarian dragon (the world's only vegitarian dragon) who is trying to take over the world using soda tab and nickels along with many variations of mind control spores. I have one little brother who lives in an underground chamber to stop him from spreading my plans. I like: RPing, talking to intelligent people (those people are a rarity), fire, and trying to take over the world. I live in Iowa in a cave along with my many pets my current ones are:
Cuddles the cobra(female).
Bessie the blue cow(female).
Peppy the mongoose(male).
Tikal the parrot(female).
Cooler the squirrel(male)
Sparky the Gecko (male).
My secret evil lair is underground all of the state of Iowa. My pets would now like to have a word with you.
Cuddles:*opens one eye* If you pathetic humans and that stupid dragon don't leave me alone I will bite all of you.
Isla:Isn't she just the cutest little pet you ever did see?
Peppy: Don't touch my fur! You do and you will be locked in a cage with hundreds of rabid chipmunks. Don't think I won't do it! Nobody but me can touch my perfect fur.
Isla: Peppy! You haven't been giving rabies infected food to the local chipmunks again have you?
Peppy: No of course not!*in an undertone* you stupid git.
Bessie:Shut up all of you! I will rule you all one day and you will pay for infecting me with you stupid stupidity. Now be quiet and let me think in peace!
Isla: Moo, Moo to you too Bessie. With all that mooing you'd almost think she was really talking wouldn't you?
Bessie:*grumble grumble*
Cooler:Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi! I am Cooooler and I like sugar. Isla says...Isla want to know what Isla says...she say "Cooler you is not supposed to have sugar."But you know what I do anyways.
Tikal:I am Tikal. I feel I am the only sane here. My master won't let us out of the cave for fear we will alert the world of her plot to take over the world. Now she won't let us out of here and I am stuck with these lunatics. Would someone help a little talking parrot out here?
Isla:Tikal did you take your medicine?
Tikal: I don't take medicine you stupid bat. Anyway that is a sugar cube not medicine.
Isla: It is...Cooler you little rat you told me this was you medicine you know you aren't supposed to have sugar.
Cooler:*giggle and runs away hiding between Bessie's legs.
Bessie: Oh No! You two morons leave me out of this!
Cuddles:You know he's a squirrel not a rat right? *in an under tone* twit
Isla:RIGHT! I knew that!
Tikal: Of course you did.*pats Islas on the head.* Good Dragon.
Isla:I like being patted. Here Tikal have a cracker.
Tikal:*stops petting* How many times do I have to tell you? Just because I'm a parrot does not mean I like crackers.
Peppy: Ewww crackers. Their crumbs always get my perfect fur so messy.
Sparky:Aren't you forgetting someone?
Isla:Oh right. Pets this is my newest pet Sparky the Gecko!
Bessie:What you got other one?! We barely have enough room for personal space as it it!
Peppy:What a slimy gecko! Ewww! Their slime gets all in my fur.
Cuddle: Stay away from me and we'll get along fine.
Cooler:Hi there! Ya wanta be friends? Well do ya? Do ya?
Tikal: How could you do this to us? I don't want another crazy in this cave!
Isla:Come on Sparky introduce your self.
Sparky:Uh hi. I'm Sparky..and I am very pleased to meet you all.
Bessie:Well I'm not!
Sparky:Uh that's okay. I'm sure we will all be friends in time.
Tikal: Let me just give you a hint, Sparky, this will save you a lot of heartache. Stay away from Cuddles, Bessie, and Peppy. Trust me! You will be much happier that way.
Sparky:Sure uh Miss Tikal. But I'm sure we can all be friends in time.
Cuddles:Your going to make me hurl if you don't stop with all this nauseatingly sweet talk!
Sparky:Awww Somebody needs a hug. *runs to hug Cuddles*
Isla:NO! *holds Sparky back* Even I know not to hug Cuddles! She bites!
Cuddles:*Grins to show her sharp fangs.*