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Here are the topics in the Debate forum.

Subject Author Replies
Should people's .. Navy Girl03 6
r u glad that saddams sons r dead? Bubblestuff2 5
Poll: Which flavour of icecream kills the most... CJ 24
Indie music General Wesc 10
"Our way of life"...? Mitgui 10
List. Moosh 7
*mocks religion* Angela 42
which is the better sex Male /Female Nifratiti 20
Is blcdude Master Opossum? blcdude 13
wats better real pets,or virtual 1s Bubblestuff2 18
Should gay Liberian dogs who like Pepsi... Mitgui 9
Liberia Mitgui 8
Are Suddams sons really dead? Queen Amy 9
Do suicidal canibals eat themselves? Darcey 25
Do you buy from user shops or the settlement? DanceCat 11
Iorax or drocaals Dimond Soul 9
Why dont they keep the old creatures still? Darigaaz_1250 14
whats better?being popular,or not? Bubblestuff2 12
whats better???? dominator 3
domecrats vs republicans vs indenpendents Bubblestuff2 18
What Pet Is Best? Bottled_Kiss 6
wats better?sweet or sour? Bubblestuff2 11
is all gore or george bush better? Bubblestuff2 25
Like her or hate her? AnimalLover6359 16
What is your favourite smiley? Elanorea Silverstar 3
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